AI-powered tool for CRM
Hints is a better way to use CRM
Hints is a better way to use CRM
Hints is a better way to use CRM
Hints is a better way to use CRM
Helps top sales reps to get more hours in a day while keeping CRM data accurate automatically.
Helps top sales reps to get more hours in a day while keeping CRM data accurate automatically.
Helps top sales reps to get more hours in a day while keeping CRM data accurate automatically.

Works with Salesforce, Hubspot and Pipedrive
Works with Salesforce, Hubspot and Pipedrive

Trusted by users from

Made for a busy schedule
Made for a busy schedule
Made for a busy schedule
Hints logs and retrieves CRM data on any device with chat and voice. Guides your sales team. Reminds them what is next and what is missing.
Hints logs and retrieves CRM data on any device with chat and voice. Guides your sales team. Reminds them what is next and what is missing.

Made for a busy schedule
Logs and retrieves CRM data on any device with chat and voice. Guides your sales team. Reminds them what is next and what is missing.

Complex CRM updates created in seconds
Complex CRM updates created in seconds
The app finds duplicates, suggests actions and creates associations–all automatically.
The app finds duplicates, suggests actions and creates associations–all automatically.
Looks up sales data through chat and voice commands
Access and analyze sales data through intuitive chat and voice commands for seamless decision-making.

Looks up sales data through chat and voice commands
Access and analyze sales data through intuitive chat and voice commands for seamless decision-making.

Complex CRM updates in seconds
Hints finds duplicates, suggests actions and automatically creates associations.
Looks up sales data through chat and voice commands
Access and analyze sales data through intuitive chat and voice commands for seamless decision-making.

Looks up data through chat and voice commands
Access and analyze sales data through intuitive chat and voice commands for seamless decision-making.

Builds a perfect sales process for your team
Add new leads to your databases and tools, and receive real-time updates on responses, notes, and tasks.

Builds a perfect sales process for your team

Builds a perfect sales process for your teams
Add new leads to your databases and tools, and receive real-time updates on responses, notes, and tasks.

Add new leads to your databases and tools, and receive real-time updates on responses, notes, and tasks.

Builds a perfect sales process for your teams
Add new leads to your databases and tools, and receive real-time updates on responses, notes, and tasks.

Hints AI fuels deeper, more accurate pipeline details
Organizations have enriched reporting by more than 350% while streamlining the admin process 70%. That’s greater fidelity in critical customer data with less effort. Less clicking. More closing.
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© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Hintsflow Inc.
Hints AI fuels deeper, more accurate pipeline details
Organizations have enriched reporting by more than 350% while streamlining the admin process 70%. That’s greater fidelity in critical customer data with less effort. Less clicking. More closing.
Other Products
© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Hintsflow Inc.
Hints AI fuels deeper, more accurate pipeline details
Organizations have enriched reporting by more than 350% while streamlining the admin process 70%. That’s greater fidelity in critical customer data with less effort. Less clicking. More closing.
Other Products
© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Hintsflow Inc.
Hints AI fuels deeper, more accurate pipeline details
Organizations have enriched reporting by more than 350% while streamlining the admin process 70%. That’s greater fidelity in critical customer data with less effort. Less clicking. More closing.
Other Products
© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Hintsflow Inc.