Sales-oriented automated assistant for CRM

Our Assistant is deeply integrated with CRM, trained in sales operations, and ready to assist with any task: from creating and managing deals to logging customer interactions.
Our Assistant is deeply integrated with CRM, trained in sales operations, and ready to assist with any task: from creating and managing deals to logging customer interactions.
Our Assistant is deeply integrated with CRM, trained in sales operations, and ready to assist with any task: from creating and managing deals to logging customer interactions.




Manage Deals

Manage Deals

Manage Deals

The AI assistant knows how to perform all the operations of creating, receiving and updating transactions

The AI assistant knows how to perform all the operations of creating, receiving and updating transactions

Manage Companies

Manage Companies

Manage Companies

The AI assistant supports deep integration with companies entity in CRM and associations

The AI assistant supports deep integration with companies entity in CRM and associations

Manage Contact

Manage Contact

Manage Contact

AI assistant knows how to handle contacts, manage them and link them to deals and companies

AI assistant knows how to handle contacts, manage them and link them to deals and companies

Manage Custom Entities

Manage Custom Entities

Manage Custom Entities

If your CRM has custom entities with configured parameters, ai assistant will be able to process them as well

If your CRM has custom entities with configured parameters, ai assistant will be able to process them as well

All Engagements

All Engagements

All Engagements

Log Calls

Logs call details, ensuring every conversation is documented for future reference

Log Email / Mails

Records email and mail correspondences, centralizing communication history

Log Meeting

Chronologically logs meeting specifics, including attendees and discussed topics

Log WhatsApp message

Logs interactions conducted via WhatsApp, keeping a digital record of every chat


Seamlessly archives text messages, allowing businesses to trace back through SMS

Log LinkedIn

Integrates with LinkedIn to automatically log messages and interactions

Field types

Field types

Field types

Standart CRM fileds

AI Assistant can manage any 140 standard CRM fields

Custom fields

We support most of the existing custom fields types

Playbook fields

If it is customary in your company to work through playbooks, you can fill it by AI assistant

Search and Memory Operations

Search and Memory Operations

Search and Memory Operations

Search and pull

Search and pull

Search and pull

If you need to quickly find the right deal, company, contact or activity conducted, you can ask the AI Assistant to pull it into chat UI

Short-memory context

Short-memory context

Short-memory context

Our assistant has contextual memory and is able to remember the operations or queries being performed in order to operate on them in new commands

Our assistant has contextual memory and is able to remember the operations or queries being performed in order to operate on them in new commands

Integrated CRMs

Hubspot Assistant

Hubspot Assistant supports all CRM features and custom fields

Salesforce Assistant

Salesforce Assistant supports all CRM features and custom fields

Pipedrive Assistant

Pipedrive Assistant supports all CRM features and custom fields

Hints AI fuels deeper, more accurate pipeline details

Organizations have enriched reporting by more than 350% while streamlining the admin process 70%. That’s greater fidelity in critical customer data with less effort. Less clicking. More closing.

© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Hintsflow Inc.

Hints AI fuels deeper, more accurate pipeline details

Organizations have enriched reporting by more than 350% while streamlining the admin process 70%. That’s greater fidelity in critical customer data with less effort. Less clicking. More closing.

© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Hintsflow Inc.

Hints AI fuels deeper, more accurate pipeline details

Organizations have enriched reporting by more than 350% while streamlining the admin process 70%. That’s greater fidelity in critical customer data with less effort. Less clicking. More closing.

© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Hintsflow Inc.